Why men are promiscuous

Monday, November 2, 2009
Why Men Are Promiscuous
Where does marriage fit into the lifestyle of an animal
species that has a biologically promiscuous male?
Promiscuity is wired into a man's brain and is a legacy
of his evolutionary past. Throughout human history,
wars greatly diminished the numbers of men so it made
sense to add to the size of the tribe as often as possible.
The number of men returning from battle was usually
lower than at the start. This meant that there was
always a large number of widows, so creating a harem
for the returning males was an effective survival
strategy for the tribe.
Giving birth to boys was seen as a wonderful event
because additional males were always needed to defend
the community. Girls were a disappointment because
the tribe invariably had an excess of females. This is the
way it was for hundreds of thousands of years. In
addition, modern man is still equipped with a large
hypothalamus and enormous amounts of testosterone
to fulfil his ancient urge to procreate. The reality is that
men, like most primates and other mammals, are not
biologically inclined to complete monogamy.
The huge male-oriented sex industry offers pertinent
proof. Practically all pornography, erotic videos, prostitution
and X-rated Internet images are directed at men,
showing that while most men can live in a monogamous
relationship, their brain-wiring demands polygamous
mental stimulation. It has to be understood,
however, that in discussing men's urge to be promiscuous,
we are talking about biological inclinations. We
are not promoting promiscuous behaviour or providing
men with an excuse for infidelity. We live today in a
world that is completely different to that of our past,
and our own biology is often completely at odds with
our expectations and demands.
Human biology is
dangerously out of date.
The fact that something may be instinctive or natural
doesn't mean that it's good for us. The brain circuitry
of a moth gives it an instinctive attraction towards
bright lights and this allows the moth to navigate at
night using the stars and the moon. Unfortunately, the
modern moth is also living in a world that is dramatically
different to the one in which it evolved. We now
have moth and mosquito zappers. By doing what is
natural and instinctive, the modern moth flies into the
zapper and is incinerated instantly. In understanding
their biological urges, modern men have a choice of
avoiding self-incineration as a result of doing what
comes naturally.
There's a small percentage of women who are as
promiscuous as men, but their motivation is usually
different to that of men. To be turned on sexually, the
brain circuitry of the nest-defending human female
responds to a range of criteria other than just the
promise of sex. Most women want a relationship or at
least the possibility of some emotional connection
before they feel the desire for sex. Most men don't
realise that once a woman feels an emotional bond has
been created, she will happily bonk his brains out for
the next three to six months. With the exception of the
rare percentage of nymphomaniacs, most women feel
the strongest urge for physical sex during ovulation
which can last several days or several hours.
If unrestrained, most men would fall into a bottomless
pit of mindless fornication to guarantee survival of
the tribe. A survey conducted by the American Health
Institute showed that 82% of boys aged 16-19 said
they liked the idea of participating in an orgy with
strangers, while only two percent of girls felt the same.
The rest found the idea appalling.
A woman wants lots of sex with the man
she loves.


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