Modern man hunting

Monday, November 2, 2009
Modern Man's Hunting
Sport is the modern replacement for hunting. Most
sporting activities began after the year 1800; prior to
that, most of the world's population still hunted animals
for food or recreation. The Industrial Revolution of the
late 1700s and advanced farming techniques meant that
it was no longer necessary to chase and catch food.
Thousands of years of men being programmed to hunt
suddenly came to a stop and had nowhere to go.
Sport became the answer. More than 90% of modern
sports were created between 1800 and 1900 and a few
new ones appeared during the 20th Century. Most
sports involve running, chasing and hitting targets and
allow high testosterone individuals to burn up excess
hormones. Research shows that boys who are physically
active are the least likely to be involved in crime or
aggression, and that young men with criminal records
showed the least involvement in sports. Simply, if it's
not burnt up on a playing field, it can show up in antisocial
ways. On motorways and freeways, road-rage
has been almost entirely a male offence. Men compete
with each other on the road - women just happen to be
there at the time.
Before enrolling in a sports club, examine the objectives,
values, role-models and leaders of the club. If
they're in it 'for the game' and the game is allimportant,
then these people are still slaves to their
biology - so join a fishing club. There are many clubs
like yoga or martial arts that still teach the principles
for effective living such as health, relaxation and sound
life values. Avoid any clubs that emphasise the financial
gains members might make.


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