Some surefire romance tips for men

Monday, November 2, 2009
Some Surefire Romance Tips for Men
Women don't have a problem when it comes to love and
romance, but most men are in the dark about it so they
simply make sure they're ready for love any time, any
place. A man's romantic skills (or lack thereof) play a
significant part in whether a woman will feel like having
sex with him, so here are six tried and tested things that
work as well for men today as they did 5,000 years ago.
He's breathing:
1. Set the environment. When you consider a woman's
sensitivity to her surroundings and the high receptiv
ity of her senses to outside stimuli, it makes sense
that a man pays attention to the environment.
Women's oestrogen hormones make her sensitive to
the right lighting - dimly-lit rooms make pupils
dilate, so people look attractive to each other and
skin blemishes and wrinkles are less noticeable. A
woman's superior hearing means the right music is
important, and a clean, secure cave is better than one
that can be invaded by children or other people at
any moment. Women's insistence on sex in private
explains why most women's private fantasy is of
having sex in public, while a man's private fantasy is
sex with a stranger.
2. Feed her. Having evolved as a lunch-chaser, you'd
think it would occur to a man that providing a
woman with food stirs up primal female feelings.
This is why taking a woman to dinner is a significant
event for her even when she's not hungry because the
provision of food shows his attention to her wellbeing
and survival. Cooking a meal for a woman has
an even deeper intrinsic meaning as it brings out
primitive feelings in both a man and a woman.
3. Light a fire. Collecting wood and lighting a fire to
give warmth and protection has been done by men
for women for hundreds of thousands of years, and
appeals to most women's romantic side. Even if it's a
gas fire that she can light easily herself, he needs to
light it if he wants to set a romantic atmosphere. The
pay-off comes from the act of providing for her
needs, not from the fire itself.
4. Bring flowers. Most men do not understand the
power of a bunch of fresh flowers. Men think, 'Why
spend so much money on something that will be dead
and thrown out in a few days?' It makes sense to a
man's logical mind to give a woman a pot plant
because, with constant care and attention, it will
survive - in fact, you could even make a profit on it!
However, a woman doesn't see it that way - she
wants a fresh bunch of flowers. After a few days the
flowers die and are thrown out, but this presents an
opportunity for him to buy another bunch and once
again bring out her romantic side by providing for
her needs.
5. Go dancing. It's not that men don't want to dance,
it's just that many of them don't have the location in
the right brain required to feel rhythm. Go to any
aerobics class and watch the male participants (if any
turn up) trying to keep time. When a man takes
dancing lessons for basic rock 'n' roll and waltz, he
will be the hit of the party with all women. Dancing
has been described as a vertical act of horizontal
desire and that's its history - it's a ritual that evolved
to allow close male/female body contact as a lead-up
to courtship, just as it did with other animals.
6. Buy chocolates and champagne. This combination
has long been associated with romance, although few
people know why. Champagne contains a chemical
not found in other alcoholic beverages which
increases testosterone levels. Chocolate contains
phenylethylamine which stimulates a woman's love
centre in the brain. Recent research by Danielle
Piomella at the Neurosciences Institute in San
Diego discovered three new chemicals called Nacylethanolamines,
which attach themselves to the
cannabis receptors in a woman's brain, giving her
sensations similar to being high on marijuana. These
chemicals are in brown chocolate and cocoa, but not
in white chocolate or coffee


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